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General maritime company is a group of companies, has established itself as one of the leading marine supplies services, and the most reputed ship suppliers located in USA - CANADA - CAMEROON and supplies to the ships calling Port of Baltimore, also supply Ports of Gabon, GUINEA ,Equatorial Guinea and Congo, with its Head Office at Douala Cameroon. Ports services are : - BALTIMORE (USA) - MONTREAL(CANADA) - DOUALA, (CAMEROON) - KRIBI, (CAMEROON) - LIMBE, (CAMEROON) - LIBREVILE, (GABON) - PORT GENTIL, (GABON) - MALABO, (EQUATORIAL GUINEA) - LUBA, (EQUATORIAL GUINEA) - BATA, (EQUATORIAL GUNEA) - POINTE NOIRE. (CONGO) - CONAKRY (GUNEA)

Services Provided

Ship Chandler And Husbandry

Ship Agency

Ports Covered

Douala, Cameroon

Professional Associations